What you'll learn

Creating web applications is a multi-tier process. The overarching goal of this program is to become educated in full stack application development.

On the front-end, this means working with a user interface (i.e., anything appearing on the front of a computer screen,) using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or Angular

On the back-end, this means anything hosted on a server such as web APIs (i.e., C#, MVC, ASP.Net Core) which connect to a data access layer (i.e., SQL, Key-Value Stores or Document databases).

Applications are hosted either on private servers or cloud environments (i.e. Azure, AWS). The deployment of applications to server environments can be facilitated with containerization (i.e. Docker or Azure pipelines).

6 Modules

Mastering Html and CSS

Learn the structure and style of the web. Included in the Front-end and Full-stack tracks.

Mastering Html and CSS

Learn the structure and style of the web. Learn how to build and design a great looking website and the best tools for the job.

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    Module 1:Html Fundamentals
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    Module 2:Basic Forms
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    Module 3:CSS Selectors and Specificity
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    Module 4:CSS Generated Content, Media Queries, Colors, Debugging
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    Module 5:CSS Shadows, Effects, Borders, Backgrounds, Gradients
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    Module 6:CSS Transforms, Transitions, Animations, Flex-box, Grids
8 Modules

Asp.Net Core Fundamentals

Learn MVC, Razor, data entry and sharing views. Included in the Back-end and Full-stack tracks.

Asp.Net Core C# Fundamentals

Asp.Net Core is a web framework for fast, flexible, modern applications across different platforms. Learn about (MVC) Models, razor Views, Controllers, and middleware. You will also learn basic Entity Framework with Sql Server and the Identity Framework.

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    Module 1:.Net Core project structure, dependency injection
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    Module 2:Setup and middleware
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    Module 3:MVC Controllers
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    Module 4:MVC Models and Forms
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    Module 5:Entity Framework
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    Module 6:MVC Razor Views, Tag Helpers, View Components
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    Module 7:ASP.Net Identity, user registration, login
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    Module 8:Front-end tools and frameworks, client-side validation, CDNs
8 Modules

Angular Essentials

An introduction to Angular core features to build basic applications. Included in the Front-end and Full-stack tracks.

Angular Essentials

This course provides the basics you need to get started building an Angular application. First, you'll learn how to set up your environment, learning about components, templates, and data binding and how they work together. Next, you'll discover how to build clean components with strongly-typed code, as well as building nested components and how to use dependency injection to inject the services you build. Finally, you'll cover how to retrieve data using HTTP, navigation and routing, and you'll revisit the Angular setup process.

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    Module 1:Angular anatomy, syntax, modular structure
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    Module 2:Creating projects with CLI, layouts, theming
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    Module 3:Feature modules, binding data tables, entity models
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    Module 4:Angular Services, HttpClient, Mock data
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    Module 5:Reactive Forms with validation
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    Module 6:Detail pages, forms, parameterized routing,
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    Module 7:Pipes to transform data, Async programming
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    Module 8:Unit Testing all things Angular
9 Modules

ASP.Net Core C# Advanced

Build REST APIs with 3rd party (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter) authentication usable by an app using JWT. Included in the Back-end and Full-stack tracks.

ASP.Net Core C# Advanced

In this course you will learn to create scalable and documented API for a set of REST services. Learn to properly secure services with Asp.Net Core Identity, integrated with Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter or other 3rd party networks.

This course will also include basic Entity Framework with Sql Server. Then tie the backend with a front-end Angular application to consume the REST Api.

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    Module 1:Enterprise grade project structures
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    Module 2:Repository Pattern
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    Module 3:REST APIs
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    Module 4:API Validation and Paging in REST
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    Module 5:Integrated with Angular, combined advanced routing
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    Module 6:Authentication with OAuth and JWT
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    Module 7:API Testing and Documentation (Swagger, NSwag, Postman)
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    Module 8:API Caching and Concurrency
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    Module 9:Exception handling, Logging, Serialization
5 Modules

Angular Advanced

Scalable architectural code patterns. Included in the Front-end and Full-stack tracks.

Angular Advanced

Build advanced state management with Ngrx store, RXJS observables, and control the build of your application to integrate with a C# Api backend.

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    Module 1:Route Guards, OAuth integration
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    Module 2:Async and RxJs
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    Module 3:State Management
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    Module 4:Performance tuning, change detection, lazy loading...
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    Module 5:Progressive Web Application (PWA) capabilities
4 Modules

SQL Databases

Database structures and queries. Included in the Back-end and Full-stack tracks.

SQL Databases

design a database structure using SQL Server, translate business requirements into which SQL Server components are needed, how to design a physical database, and how to develop an index and partitioning strategy.

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    Module 1:Create a database and tables, UML design, Normalization
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    Module 2:Insert, Update and Delete records
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    Module 3:Select records, ordering, operators
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    Module 4:Select with In and Between, Joins, Aggregation
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